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Genetics, Genomics, & Biotechnology (BS)

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Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max


Major Academic Plan


Molecular Genetics Fundamentals

Learning Outcome

Exhibit a broad understanding of core molecular genetics and biology concepts including bioinformatics, molecular biology, genetics, cellular biology, physiology and evolution.


Biotechnology Skills and Practices

Learning Outcome

Independently perform key biotechnology and molecular biology benchwork protocols and can use popular computational software packages for DNA sequence analysis as they apply to plant and animal improvement programs or microbial genomics. Graduates of the biotechnology business track will have additional skills acquired from case studies-oriented management courses.


Genome Organization and Manipulation

Learning Outcome

Explain key concepts of genome organization and manipulation in depth, for example genetic map construction, sequencing methods and strategies, genome annotation, comparative genomics, global gene expression profiling, metagenomics, and transgenic plant and animal technologies. Also, students can independently assemble bacterial genomes and parse metagenomic sequencing data.


Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate proficiency in applying the quantitative and analytical skills necessary for successful research science and/or clinical health careers. Examples include designing properly controlled experiments (PWS288), critically analyzing experimental data in the literature (PDBIO 360, PWS488), and writing scripts to parse genomic datasets (BIO165, PWS470),


Literature Summation and Discussion

Learning Outcome

Graduates can summarize the background, methodology, results and conclusions of a set of experiments, as published in a single or in multiple related scientific papers, and lead classroom discussions on them.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 —Complete 11 Courses

Core courses:

course - Cell Biology 3.0

course - Gen College Chem 1+Lab Integr 4.0

course - General College Chemistry 2 3.0

course - Gen Coll Chem Lab 1.0

course - Molecular Biology 3.0

course - Intro to Genetics & Biotech 1.0

course - Coding for Genetic Analysis 3.0

course - Applied Biostatistics 3.0

course - Molecular Genetics Laboratory 3.0

course - Genetics 3.0

course - Genomics 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 3 hours

course - Science of Biology 3.0

course - Gen Biology: Health & Disease 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 3.1 —Complete 3 Requirements


Requirement 3.1.1 —Complete 6 Courses

Core Genetics and Genomics courses:

course - Evolutionary Medicine 2.0

course - Organic Chemistry 1 3.0

course - Organic Chemistry 2 3.0

course - Biochemistry 3.0

course - Scientific Writing Genetics 3.0

course - Conservation Genomics 3.0

Requirement 3.1.2 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Organismal Physiology course:

course - Comparative Animal Physiology 4.0

course - Advanced Physiology 3.0

course - Advanced Bacterial Physiology 3.0

course - Plant Physiol Ecol 3.0

Requirement 3.1.3 —Complete 9 hours

Option — Complete at least 6 hours up to 9 hours

course - Biological Diversity: Animals 4.0

course - Biological Diversity: Plants 4.0

course - Genetics of Human Disease 3.0

course - Developmental Biology 3.0

course - Microbiology 4.0

course - Microbial Genetics 4.0

course - Plant Propagation 3.0

course - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0

course - Bacterial Genomics 2.0

course - Plant Cell Biology 3.0

course - Metagenomics 3.0

Option - Complete up to 3 hours

course - Research Internship

course - Biotechnology Lab

Option 3.2 —Complete 4 Requirements


Requirement 3.2.1 —Complete 6 Courses

course - Principles of Accounting 3.0

course - Intro Bio-organic Chemistry 4.0

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Principles of Finance 3.0

course - Organizational Behavior 3.0

course - Agribusiness Management 1 3.0

Requirement 3.2.2 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Marketing Management 3.0

course - Agribusiness Management 2 3.0

Requirement 3.2.3 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Entrep Lecture Series 1.0

course - Executive Lectures 1.0

Requirement 3.2.4 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option —Complete 1 Course

course - Scientific Writing Genetics 3.0

Option —Complete 2 Courses

course - Bio-Innovation 1 2.0

course - Bio-Innovation II 2.0

Note: To complete a minor from the Marriott School of Business, students must take MKTG 201 in group 3.2.2 and one of the following: Math 110, Math 112, Math 116, Math 118, or IS 201.

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

Recommended Courses:

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

For preprofessional or graduate school preparation:

course - General Physics 1 3.0

course - General Physics 2 3.0

course - General Physics Lab 1 1.0

course - General Physics Lab 2 1.0

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

For students seeking employment in the biotech industry:

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

Note: Contact the academic advisor to determine if R research in other departments may be applied to the requirement.