Construction and Facilities Management (BS): Facility and Property Management Emphasis
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
Undecided students that are interested in learning more about Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Facility & Property Management may begin with CCE 101 Introduction to Civil/Const Engineering.
No more than 9 credit hours of grades below C- in major courses may be applied toward graduation.
Requirement 1 —Complete 15 Courses
course - Principles of Accounting 3.0
course - Sustainable Infrastructure 3.0
course - Construction Modeling 3.0
course - Computational Methods 3.0
course - Fundamentals of CFM 3.0
course - Methods 1 - Structural Systems 3.0
course - Methods 2 - Bldg Systems3.0
course - Est Processes 3.0
course - Const Scheduling & Cost Contrl 3.0
course - Sustainable Design & Arch - 3.0
course - Construction Safety 2.0
course - Construction Law - 2.0
course - Const Project Mgt & Control 3.0
course - Real Estate Development 3.0
course - Const Company Operatns & Mgt 3.0
Requirement 2 — Complete 2 Requirements
Requirement 2.1 — Complete 2.5 hours
Complete five enrollments of the following (cannot be taken the same semester as CFM 491)
course - Undergraduate Seminar - You may take once 0.5
Requirement 2.2 — Complete 1 Course
Complete the following during the next-to-last semester before graduation.
course- Senior Seminar 0.5
Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses
course - Civil Engineering Writing 3.0
course - Management Communication 3.0
course - Technical Communication 3.0
Requirement 4 — Complete 8 Courses
course - Fundamentals of FPM 3.0
course - Advanced Building Systems 3.0
course - Operations and Maintenance 3.0
course - Managing High Performance Bldg 4.0
course - Commercial Real Estate Mgt 4.0
course - Human Resource Mgt 3.0
course - Trigonometry 2.0
course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0
Requirement 5 —Complete 2 hours
Experiential Learning
course - Civil Engineering Design 3.0
course - ASC Competition - You may take once 1.0
course - CNAHB Competition - You may take once 2.0
course - Special Problems - You may take once 0.5v
Requirement 6 — Complete 2 of 74 Courses
(NOTE: a course taken as a major requirement course may not double count as an elective course)
course - Geomatics - 2.0
course - Fluid Mechanics 3.0
course - Civil Engr Seminar 0.5
course - Civil Engr Seminar 0.5
course - Metals, Woods, & Composites 1.5
course - Structural Analysis 3.0
course - Hydrology 3.0
course - Soil Mechanics 3.0
course - Intro to Environmental Eng 3.0
course - Intro to Transportation Engr 3.0
course - Civil Engr Seminar 0.5
course - Civil Engr Seminar 0.5
course - Engr Applications of GIS 3.0
course - Structural Steel Design 3.0
course - Reinforced Concrete Design 3.0
course - International Megastructures 3.0
course - Hydraulic Engineering 3.0
course - Water Resources Study Abroad 3.0
course - Foundation Engineering 3.0
course - Environmental Engineering Proc 3.0
course - Geometric Design of Highways 3.0
course - International Megacities 3.0
course - Civil Engineering Writing 3.0
course - Civil Engineering Design 3.0
course - Global Projects - You may take once 0.5v
course - Design & Materials Applicatns 3.0
course - Stress Analysis & Design 3.0
course - Computer Struc Optimization 3.0
course - Port Cement Design & Analysis 3.0
course - Linear Finite Element Methods 3.0
course - Structural Vibrations 3.0
course - Geospatial Software Dev 3.0
course - Adv Structural Steel Design 3.0
course - Aircraft Structures 3.0
course - Bridge Structures 3.0
course - Bridge Preservation 1.5
course - Masonry Design 3.0
course - Structural Wood Design 3.0
course - Hydrologic Modeling 3.0
course - Adv. Hydraulic Routing 3.0
course - Hydroinformatics 3.0
course - Hydraulic Design of Channels 3.0
course - Geo-Environmental Engineering 3.0
course - Deep Foundations 3.0
course - Chemical Stabilization 1.5
course - Seepage & Slope Stability 3.0
course - Geotech Analysis of Earthquake 3.0
course - Groundwater Modeling 3.0
course - Water Treatment Fac Design 3.0
course - Mechanical Behavior 3.0
course - Environmental Chemistry 3.0
course - Traffic Engineering 3.0
course - Pavement Design 3.0
course - Urban Transportation Planning 3.0
course - Pavement Management 3.0
course - Asphalt Mixture Design 1.5
course - CAE Software Development 3.0
course - Optimization Techniques 3.0
course - Technical Writing 1.5
course - Selected Problems in CE - You may take once 1.0v
course - Earthwork & Construction Equip 3.0
course - Pre-Construction Services 3.0
course - Design Studio 3.0
course - Civil Infrastructure Const 3.0
course - Virtual Design & Construction 3.0
course - Const Innovation & Tech 3.0
course - Constr Comp Opers and HR 3.0
course - Managing Risk in Construction 3.0
course - Const Co Developmt 3.0
course - Const. Co. Financial Mgt. 3.0
course - Special Topics in CM - You may take once 1.0v
course - Principles of Finance 3.0
course - Organizational Behavior 3.0
course - Marketing Management 3.0
Requirement 7 — Complete 1 hour
course - Technical Internship - You may take once 1.0
Requirement 8 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following:
Complete department packet and exit interview.
Students must complete 300 hours of pre-approved construction/facilities-related work after declaring the major and must submit a report during the CFM 491 class.