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Business Management (BS) *

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Management Bachelors BS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Critical Thinking: Applying Strategic Frameworks

Learning Outcome

When confronted with a business situation or problem use appropriate strategic thinking frameworks to analyze information and make decisions that will maximize organizational performance.


Critical Thinking: Drawing Conclusions from Business Reports

Learning Outcome

Accurately interpret evidence reports and graphical depictions of business datafrom a variety of sources to assess business performance and identify key issues.


Communication: Composing Texts

Learning Outcome

Students compose a variety of commonly occurring business texts such as emails letters memos PowerPoint presentations SlideDocs reports and newsletter articles. Students must demonstrate effectiveness in the design organization content and style of these documents.


Communication: Oral Presentations

Learning Outcome

Give effective oral presentations with appropriate visual support achieving effectiveness in three categories: message media and messenger.


Communication: Graphics (visualizing information)

Learning Outcome

Communicate information through effective visuals including charts graphs pictures and other graphics


Ethical Reasoning:

Learning Outcome

Applying Frameworks to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas : Apply contemporary and classic frameworks in analyzing ethical dilemmas and suggest appropriate courses of action for resolving them.


Ethical Reasoning

Learning Outcome

Applying Personal Values in Ethical Decisions: Identify and prioritize personal values and apply them in making ethical decisions.


Ethical Reasoning

Learning Outcome

Discussing Moral Dilemmas Effectively :Engage in logically sound discussion about moral dilemmas using the language of business ethics.


IT Literacy: Generating/Analyzing Data to Support Decisions

Learning Outcome

Manipulate and analyze data to make appropriate recommendations for managerial decision-making.


IT Literacy: Computer Skills

Learning Outcome

Develop effective computer skills and literacy concerning computer hardware networking security organizational information systems

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 2 Requirements 


Requirement 1.1 — Complete 2 Courses 

course - Principles of Accounting 3.0

course - Intro to Information Systems 3.0

Requirement 1.2 — Complete 3 hours

course - Principles of Acctg 2 3.0

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Principles of Finance 3.0

GSCM 305 - Intro Global Supply Chain Mgt 1.5

GSCM 310 - GSCM International 1.5

course - Intro Computer Programming 3.0

course - Marketing Management 3.0

course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0

Apply and be formally accepted into the program.

Requirement 2 — Complete 6 Courses 

Complete the following required courses prior to the Business Core:

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Principles of Finance 3.0

course - Spreadsheets & Bus Analysis 1.0

course - Commun in Organiztnl Settings 3.0

course - Marketing Management 3.0

course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 2 of 6 Courses 

course - Entrep Lecture Series 1.0

course - Tech Entrep Lecture Series 1.0

course - GSCM Lecture Series 1.0

course - HRM Lecture Series 1.0

course - Marketing Lecture Series 1.0

course - Executive Lectures 1.0

course – Social Impact Lecture Series  1.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses 

course - Business Law 3.0

course - Legal Issues in Entrep 3.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 1 Requirement 

Business Core courses:

Requirement 5.1 — Complete 7 Courses 

GSCM 305 - Intro Global Supply Chain Mgt 1.5

GSCM 310 - GSCM International 1.5

course - Organizational Effectiveness 3.0

course - Intro Business Analytics 3.0

course - Career Development 1.0

course - Ethics for Management 3.0

course - Strategy and Economics 3.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 7 of 27 Courses 

course - Principles of Acctg 2 3.0

course - Entrepreneurial Innovation 3.0

course - Creating New Ventures 3.0

course - Financing New Ventures 3.0

course - Managing New Ventures 3.0

course - Venture Capital for Startups 3.0

course - New Venture LaunchPad - You may take once 3.0

course – Hospitality Management  3.0

course – Community Festivals and Special Events  3.0

course – Sport and Entertainment Venue Management  3.0

course – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Experience Design  3.0

course - Managerial Finance 3.0

course - Global Business Negotiations 3.0

course - Intro to Sustainable Business 3.0

course - Customer Relationship Mgmt 3.0

course - Human Resource Mgt 3.0

course - Managerial Leadrshp Develpmnt 3.0

course - Intro Computer Programming 3.0

course - Spreadsheets for Bus Analysis 3.0

course - Spreadsheet Automation 3.0

course - Sales Management 3.0

course - Entrepreneurial Marketing 3.0

course - Digital Marketing 3.0

course - International Marketing 3.0

course – Pricing Strategies  3.0

course - Advanced Sales 3.0

course – Advanced Digital Marketing 3.0

course – Healthcare Industry Dynamics 3.0

course - Intro International Business 3.0

course - On-Campus Experiential Project - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 7 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following: 

Complete BYU Marriott exit survey online.