Family Life (BS): Family Studies Emphasis
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
The School of Family Life requires a minimum of 18 hours of SFL upper-division course work to be taken in residency at BYU for this degree program. These hours may also go toward BYU's 30-hour residency requirement for graduation.
Students who do not plan to pursue a graduate program beyond the bachelor's degree should take other courses that will enhance their employment opportunities. Consult a faculty advisor or your academic advisor for suggested minors, majors, and skills. Students are encouraged to take student development courses related to career planning in their junior or senior year.
Requirement 1 —Complete 7 Courses
Complete the following School of Family Life core before taking other courses in the major:
course - Intro to SFL 1.0
course - Intro to Family Processes 3.0
course - Strengthening Marriage/Family 3.0
course - Human Development 3.0
course - Critical Inquiry&Research Meth 3.0
course - Applied Stats/Data Management 3.0
course - Effective Writing & Presenting 3.0
Requirement 2 —Complete 1 Course
Family studies upper-division core course:
course - Cross-Cultural Fam & Hum Dev 3.0
Requirement 3 —Complete 3 Courses
Family science core courses:
course - Family Adaptation&Resiliency 3.0
course - Theories in Fam Perspective 3.0
course - Advanced Family Processes 3.0
Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 2 Options
Complete one of the following 2 tracks:
Option 4.1 —Complete 3 Requirements
Requirement 4.1.1 —Complete 9 hours
Note: SFL 395R and 403R may only be taken once each.
course - Family Finance 3.0
course - Marital Relationships 3.0
course - Adult Development & Aging 3.0
course - Family Life in World Religions 3.0
course - Gender Development in Families 3.0
course - Therapeutic Play Foundations 3.0
course - Healthy Sexuality in Marriage 3.0
course - Textiles 3.0
course - Special Topics in Family Life - You may take once 1.0v
course - Addiction Recovery Healing 3.0
course - Helping Relationships 3.0
course - Rsrch/Creative Works Practicum - You may take once 0.5v
course - The Family & the Law 3.0
course - Marr & Fam Enrichment/Therapy 3.0
course - Family & Public Policy 3.0
Requirement 4.1.2 —Complete 3 hours
Note: For SFL 399R and 403R, family studies-related experiences are preferred. Only 3 credit hours of 399R or 403R may count toward the 49 credit hour graduation requirement. For exceptions for capstone courses, contact the department.
course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 1.0v
course - Rsrch/Creative Works Practicum - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v
course - FLE: Theory,Rsch & Practice - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 3.0
Requirement 4.1.3 —Complete 6 hours
Any course you complete in the SFL may only be counted once. If you have any confusion about whether or not you have fulfilled your SFL major requirements, it is your responsibility to go to the advisement center.
course - Secondary Student Teaching - You may take once 12.0
course - Introduction to Interiors 3.0
course - Food Preparation in the Home 2.0
course - Basic Sewing Techniques - You may take once 3.0
course - Strengthening Marriage/Family 3.0
course - Design in the Home 3.0
course - Home and Family Living 3.0
course - Advanced Food Preparation 3.0
course - Foundations of DAP 2.0
course - DAP Practicum 2.0
course - Preparation for Marriage 3.0
course - Marriage Enhancement 3.0
course - Housing the Family 3.0
course - Parenting & Child Guidance 3.0
course - Family Finance 3.0
course - Consumerism and the Market 3.0
course - Exploration of Tchg-Fam & CS - You may take once 3.0v
course - Dynamics of Clothing 3.0
course - Intermed Sewing Techniques 3.0
course - Effective Writing & Presenting 3.0
course - Marital Relationships 3.0
course - Hist of Interior Design&Arch 1 3.0
course - Hist of Interior Design&Arch 2 3.0
course - Pre-Prof Prep for MFT 1.0
course - Infant Dev in the Family 3.0
course - Adolescent Dev in Fam & Soc 3.0
course - Adult Development & Aging 3.0
course - Family Meal Management 3.0
course - Family Life in World Religions 3.0
course - Social Development 3.0
course - Perception Cognition Language 3.0
course - Language Development 3.0
course - Gender Development in Families 3.0
course - Therapeutic Play Foundations 3.0
course - Media, Fam & Human Dev 3.0
course - Child Life 3.0
course - Advanced Family Finance 3.0
course - Families in Communities 3.0
course - Consumer Sciences Technology 1.0
course - Healthy Sexuality in Marriage 3.0
course - Tchg Mthds in Fam&Cons Sci Ed 3.0
course - Practicum in Secondary Educ 1.0
course - Class & Lab management 1.0
course - History of Apparel 3.0
course - Textiles 3.0
course - Adv Sewing: Patternmaking 3.0
course - Special Projects in Clothing - You may take once 0.5v
course - Special Topics in Family Life - You may take once 1.0v
course - Academic Internship - You may take once 1.0v
course - Addiction Recovery Healing 3.0
course - Helping Relationships 3.0
course - Rsrch/Creative Works Practicum - You may take once 0.5v
course - Admin ECE Program 2.0
course - Biological Fndtns of Human Dev 3.0
course - Moral Development 3.0
course - The Family & the Law 3.0
course - Marr & Fam Enrichment/Therapy 3.0
course - Family Work & Relationships 3.0
course - Temporal Welfare in Families 3.0
course - Adv Sewing Studies: Constructn 3.0
course - Home-Based Entrepre - You may take once 1.0
course - Family & Public Policy 3.0
course - Adv Issues in Human Dev 3.0
course - Secondary Teaching Internship - You may take once 12.0
course - FLE: Theory,Rsch & Practice 3.0
course - Adol Dev Fam & Soc 3.0
Option 4.2 —Complete 3 Requirements
Requirement 4.2.1 —Complete 4 Courses
course - Adult Development & Aging 3.0
course - Intro to Social Work 3.0
course - Social Welfare Policy 3.0
course - Social Wk Practice/Individuals 3.0
Requirement 4.2.2 —Complete 3 hours
course - Psychology of Gender 3.0
course - Abnormal Psychology 3.0
course - Gender Development in Families 3.0
course - Therapeutic Play Foundations 3.0
course - Healthy Sexuality in Marriage 3.0
course - Addiction Recovery Healing 3.0
course - Helping Relationships 3.0
course - Marr & Fam Enrichment/Therapy 3.0
course - Class Inequality 3.0
course - Sociology of Race & Ethnicity 3.0
course - Soc of Gender 3.0
Requirement 4.2.3 —Complete 3 hours
Note: Students planning to qualify for some Master of Social Work (MSW) degree programs may want to consider an SFL 399R experience in a human service-related agency. Some MSW programs may require more than 3 credit hours of internship, however, only 3 credit hours of internship may count for SFL credit.
course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 1.0v
Any course you complete in the SFL may only be counted once. If you have any confusion about whether or not you have fulfilled your SFL major requirements, it is your responsibility to go to the advisement center.